About Us

Frosses National School is located in the village of Frosses in South West Donegal. The current school building was built in 1990 and completely refurbished in 2008 when a new extension was added. There are 4 Class Teachers , two full time Special Education Teachers one Part-time Special Education Teacher and a secretary.
Our School Enjoys
4 large bright well-equipped class rooms.    
4 IQ Touch Interactive Boards
2 Special Education Needs Rooms
1 P.E. Hall.
Fully stocked library in each classroom.
10 bench computers in each classroom.
Two spacious playgrounds. One for junior pupils and one for senior pupils.
A staff room. Principal’s office &Secretary’s office.
Mission Statement
Frosses National School is committed to the provision of a happy, healthy environment where all children can be educated and reach their true potential.
Frosses N.S. Aims
That our pupils develop a sense of their own self worth and their value as
To encourage regard for religious and moral values, and a respect for the
      traditions, beliefs and values held by
That our pupils are prepared for post-primary education and leave the
        school with the skills and abilities
        necessary for their future life and learning.
To encourage all our pupils to respect the right of everyone to be an individual without the negative interference of others.
School Protocol
Child Protection: Our school promotes and adheres to the highest standards of child protection as outlined by the
      Department of Education.
Discipline: Pupils are expected to act in a manner that is acceptable and courteous to the teachers, school employees, visitors and fellow pupils.    
Bullying: Frosses N. S. rejects all forms of bullying and is committed to addressing any instances of it no matter how
  insignificant it may seem.
Homework: Each teacher will prescribe homework, appropriate to the abilities of
 the pupils in his or her class. While th   homework should be adequate, it should not be excessive.
Book Rental: The school operates a book rental scheme for text books. Opening Hours: School starts at 9.30am and ends at 3.10pm for all pupils except Junior and Senior Infants whose school day ends at 2.00p.m.
Special Education Needs:
The school has an  active early infant intervention programme. All
  children in Junior Infants will get extra tuition from the Special
  Education Teachers.They will attend in groups. Pupils will be observed      
      and if after consultation with parents, class teacher
      and principal it is thought that they may need extra        
      help, they will be formally tested and allocated extra
      learning support if need be.

School /Home Links: Parent-teacher meetings are held once a year usually in November.
      Parents wishing to meet a class teacher to
      discuss a particular problem will be facilitated as a matter of urgency and 
        accommodated at a time that is suitable to both
        the teacher and the parent. There is an active    
        Parents Association in the school and parents are
        encouraged to join it.

The Library
Each class has its own library. Pupils will be
encouraged to use the library resources as much as possible. Parents are asked to listen to the child’s reading on a regular basis especially in the younger classes.

Extra Curricular Activities            
Pupils take part in extra curricular activities in an age appropriate way.The Senior Pupils in the school compete
 in soccer, gaelic, indoor athletics  and basketball.   There is a County Athletics Tournament once a   year in June, in which pupils from all classes can qualify to compete. There is an athletics tournament held in Abbey Vocational School  in April or May. The senior classes take part in  quizz competitions .Each class goes on a school  tour in the final term of the  year. The   school puts on a Christmas Concert involving all classes . All pupils attend a  Christmas pantomime. The school has full  access to   Frosses Community pitch for games and P.E.