

  • To develop a whole-school approach to the use of mathematical language
  • To create a culture and practice of mathematical problem solving in our school
  • To enable the pupils to develop a positive attitude towards maths, to develop the pupils logic and higher-order thinking skills and to enable the pupils to apply maths to everyday life



Baseline data/evidence


  • Questionnaire administered to pupils and parents from 1st -6th  classes to identify weakest area of mathematics.
  • Teacher observations and teacher analysis of tasks and tests highlighted problem solving as an area for development



Year 1 actions

Year 2 actions

Year 3 actions


  • Questionnaire to be administered to pupils from 1st  – 6th classes
  • Resources to be sourced from within the school and resources bought if necessary
  • Focus on mathematical language, specifically the language of operations
  • Problem solving strategy RUDE to be implemented throughout the school and to be taught at each class level
  • Teacher modelling of problem solving strategy to whole class, small groups, peer groups and individual pupils
  • Oral maths to emphasised
  • Special Education Teachers to work with class teachers in implementing strategy


  • Analysis of Drumcondra results from June 2019
  • Repeat questionnaire and monitor pupils’ attitudes towards problem solving
  • Mathematical language to be looked at and discussed for all remaining strands and strand units
  • Continue to develop the bank of resources
  • Focus will be to revisit and continue emphasis on oral maths and word problems
  • Use of  maths games and puzzles
  • Use of Mad 4 Maths programme in second and third term.


  • Analysis of Drumcondra results from June 2020
  • Continue to develop bank of resources
  • Maths problem of the week to be introduced in each classroom
  • Oral maths at the beginning of each class for ten minutes
  • Problem solving to be taught throughout each topic
  • Emphasise use of IT in problem solving activities
  • Paired maths programme to be completed over six week period between different class levels to be decided on Drumcondra results
  • To focus on language of measures specifically in relation to money and time
  • To identify a wide number of opportunities to enable the pupils to gain experience in the application of their knowledge and skills in relation to money and time






Year Plan to improve Numeracy LEVELS



State in specific terms how NUMERACY LEVELS should improve as a result of actions in the school

  • By developing a whole-school approach to the use of mathematical language throughout the school, pupils will become very familiar with the language of operations, and be enabled to apply their knowledge to mathematical problems
  • Through teacher modelling of RUDE problem solving strategy, pupils will be enabled to discuss mathematical problems and understand the reasons behind each step in the process
  • Through focussing on oral maths problems and word problems, pupils will develop higher order thinking and logic skills
  • Pupils will develop strategies aimed at solving mathematical problems
  • Pupils will be provided with regular opportunities to problem solve, enabling them to acquire proficiency in this area



State proposed actions to improve NUMERACY LEVELS








Completed / ongoing?


  • Review the mathematical language currently being used throughout the school, focusing on mathematical operations.




  • Teacher discussion
  • Maths books being used in school
  • PDST website
  • Notes from courses attended on numeracy


  • Source resources within the school suitable for use as part of problem solving programme, particularly oral maths problems and word problems
  • A bank of resources is to be developed for each class level and will be added to as resources are sourced
  • Questionnaire to be given to all children from 2nd- 6th classes to elicit their views on problem solving





  • Books on problem solving
  • Teacher designed tasks
  • PDST printables






  • Problem-solving strategies to be taught at each class level.


All Staff



February 2019

  • Posters to be created for each classroom



  • Focus on oral maths at beginning of each maths class for 5 minutes at infant level and 10 minutes at all other class levels. Bank of resources to be developed
  • Special Education Teachers to focus on area of oral maths as part of programme with their groups



All Staff


January – March 2019

  • Bank of resources
  • Lists of oral maths games
  • Mad 4 Maths


  • March – June: Continue all of the above
  • Focus specifically on maths word problems and open-ended tasks
  • Special Education Teachers to focus on maths word problems also as part of their programme within their groups
  • Emphasis on problem solving in groups as part of maths for each Friday in May and June. Special Education Teachers to support as part of an in-class teaching programme



All Staff

March – June 2012







State how progress will be monitored  over the three years

  • Teacher observation is a key tool which will be used in monitoring the progress of this numeracy strategy.  Key observations will be noted and discussed at whole staff level
  • Discussion at staff meetings and Croke Park Hour meetings re: feedback and the identification of new strategies and approaches
  • Specific time will be allocated to the discussion and progress of the numeracy programme during our planning time and staff meeting
  • Continuing professional development will be sought and staff encouraged to attend, to further develop teacher knowledge and skills and to keep abreast of best practice
  • Pupil feedback will be sought at regular intervals throughout the year. Questionnaires will be used to gauge pupil opinions at the stated times.
  • Parental Feedback will be sought through questionnaires, information evenings and at parent/teacher meetings
  • Standardised Drumcondra test will be given at end of each year and results will be discussed to further develop our 3 year plan.




Success Criteria/Evaluation

State how impact of actions on Numeracy levels will be evaluated at the end of the three years

State how progress will be measured, using baseline and targets as guide


  • Teacher observations will be noted and collated
  • Class conferencing between teacher and pupils, pupils and pupils to gauge feedback
  • Standardised testing at end of each year – data will be analysed over the three years to track performance of pupils’ problem solving
  • Review of children’s work samples, maths projects etc.